Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey

Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey is a 65 minute long documentary about the famous evangelist written and directed by Vonda Harrell and Daniel Camenisch.

The documentary features many clips of Billy Graham preaching throughout his ministry in different places in the world, as he passionately challenges people to come to Christ. Billy Graham did not just preach when at meetings though. We see some of his appearances on chat shows and he never missed an opportunity to share the truths of the gospel when he was a guest.

There are many interviews with Billy Graham, at different stages of his life, in the documentary and among the subjects that are covered in these were: his conversion to Christ, the calling to be an evangelist, how he met and married his wife Ruth, and the challenges he faced early in his ministry as he wrestled with the bible being reliable and true.

Additionally, there are interviews featuring his mother, his wife Ruth, his children, friends and chat show host Larry King, all of these adding helpful insights into the man. Tributes are also included from ex-presidents Ronald Reagan, George W Bush and Bill Clinton.

Although Billy Graham is generally known as a passionate evangelist he also made a stand against racial segregation. The documentary covers his refusal to segregate his meetings in the Deep South and his refusal to preach in South Africa due to apartheid.

It’s impossible for someone as prominent as Billy Graham not to encounter controversial at same stage of his life and ministry. The documentary makers to their credit included the negative comments he received when he went behind the Iron Curtain and attended a peace conference in Russia. Whilst some people in America felt he was being used for propaganda purposes he saw it as an opportunity to preach the gospel. There is also some interesting footage of him preaching to an audience in Pyongyang, North Korea.

As well as being very informative, the documentation is both encouraging and moving as we see how a normal man who responded to the call of God was used by God in an extraordinary way.

Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey is currently available to watch on Netflix and the dvd can be purchased from Amazon. There is also an official trailer on YouTube

I highly recommend Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey.